Evergreen Clinic of Natural Medicine (021)4966209
What is Indian Head Massage?
Indian Head Massage is focused on the shoulders, neck, face and scalp.
IHM stimulates meridians, acupressure points and thoroughly invigorates the muscles and soft tissue.
Indian Head Massage Benefits:
An increased circulation of blood to the scalp, hair and tissues of the face.
IHM also aids the nervous, hormonal and digestive systems.
Recipients experience an alleviation of headaches, insomnia, pervasive tiredness, anxiety, stress and scalp problems.
Eileen Doody MIFA MIMTA MIACST CST-T, a qualified massage therapist with 17 years experience, has a reputation for making this happen, quickly.
Call today to book your appointment.
Evergreen Clinic of Natural Medicine (021)4966209
79 Evergreen Rd Cork