If you need to give your house that ZING ....clean from head to toe....! We clean the roof, remove moss and restore the colour of roof tiles/slates and ridge tiles to their former glory.
We make old tiles look new!
We empty gutters and remove any vegetation. We treat the roof and gutters with a biocide to KILL off any micro-organisms.
If you have red/green staining or black spots on your house, roof, facia, patio, decking, pathways, driveways, garden furniture, ornaments..... we clean it without causing any damage.
Call/email or text us for a free quote.
You can send us an email / text with
1. Your address we will look up your house on Google earth
2. Tell us the size of your house....2/3 bedrooms. Bungalow or 2 storey.
3. Are your perimeter walls dirty?
4. Wooden fences & decking all treated as our biocide acts as a wood preservative.
5. Paving, footpaths, kerbs all come up looking clean and fresh.
6. Any other structures/details/problems
7. Is your wall dash?
8. Is your wall K-Rend (soft chalky finish)
We are the experts on all these issues and we have very competitive prices.
Please call today 0851688714